Luise Freese

How to make a auto-height textinput component for Power Apps

Some controls in Power Apps do not have an auto height property, which means that we can’t get the Height of a control to automagically ✨ adjust to its content. Especially for the textinput control, this is a real bummer, as we a user’s input a pretty much unpredictable. On the one hand, we do not want to waste precious screen estate by making the box as big as possible, on the other hand, a too small box will result in an endless scrollbar which is a bad user experience.

gif of autoheight textinput

Build a component with me

If you follow my blog posts then you might know that I love to componentize everything that I’d like to use again, and an auto-height textinput seems to tick that box as well.

  1. Open
  2. Create a new component cmp_textinput
  3. Create a custom input property outsideMargin (Number), 20 - determines the margin around the component
  4. Create a custom output property userText (Text), txt_userInput.Text so that we can pass this value back to our app

Make magic work

  1. Insert a text label lbl_autoHeightHelper and a textinput txt_userInput
  2. Make sure that the textinput sits on top
  3. Set the Mode of the textinput to Multiline
  4. Set the X and Y of the textinput to cmp_textinput.outsideMargin
  5. Set the Width of the textinput to cmp_textinput.Width-2*cmp_textinput.outsideMargin - this makes sure, that when you horizontally resize the component, this also applies to the textinput as well
  6. Set Height of the textinput to Max(42, lbl_autoHeightHelper.Height)
  7. Set the Text of the text label to txt_userInput1.Text
  8. Set X of the text label to txt_userInput1.X and Y to txt_userInput1.Y
  9. Set Width of the text label to txt_userInput1.Width
  10. Set the Height of the text label to cmp_textinput.Height-2*cmp_textinput.outsideMargin
  11. Set the auto height of the text label to true
  12. Set the Color of the text label to Transparent
  13. For the text label, set Font to txt_userinput.Font, FontWeight to txt_userinput.FontWeight, and Size to txt_userinput.Size
  14. Set the Width of the textlabel to txt_userInput.Width and the Height to Max(42, lbl_autoHeightHelper.Height)

Understand the magic

  1. We utilize the auto height property of the text label and hook it to the Height property of the text input. The text label will get exactly the text in the Font, Size, FontWeight of the textinput, but as we set the Color to Transparent, it won’t show up.
  2. For the Width of the text input, we reference the width of the component itself so that we can make the textinput as wide as necessary by adjusting the size of the component instance in an app
  3. The Max(42, lbl_autoHeightHelper.Height) for the Height of the textinput ensures that we always have 42 as a minimum Height and the Height of the text label (which has auto height enabled) as maximum Height

auto height textinput component

Feedback and what’s next

That’s it!

a little hack to bring auto-height to controls that don’t come with it out of the box. Let me know what you think on twitter.

Maybe you could spot in the screenshot above, that I added some more cool features to my component, such as a trailing icon (delete, error), a label, an asterisk. a helper and an error text, and an indicator of how many characters are still left. This is a sweet sneak preview on a Material design component library that I am building together with my dear friend and partner in crime Robin Rosengrün.

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